Hitmaker Comp Mojo Module Settings

The Hitmaker Comp Mojo Module is a stereo device that shares some common sidechain functions that control the compression for both left and right channel.  It’s best used as a stereo processor and not a dual mono processor, unless the sidechain is bypassed on both channels. 

There are multiple jumpers and trimmers on the board that allow you to customize how the module will affect your audio.  

Important Note: 

On Rev. 1 boards dated 060723 there are a few typos on the silkscreen:

  •  The revision says “2.0” in the upper right corner.  It should say “1.0”. 
  • Jumper J6 should be labeled “RATIO L”, and jumper J11 should be labeled “RATIO R”.
  • The sidechain High Pass Filter frequencies are mislabeled 24, 50, 120 Hz instead of 50, 100, 230 Hz.


Trimmer VR201: Make-up Gain – This is calibrated at the factory to offset typical levels of gain reduction with the default threshold setting.  We recommend not touching this control unless you are using heavy amounts of gain reduction and need more output level.

Trimmer VR202: Threshold – turn clockwise to raise the threshold for less compression and more saturation.  Turn counter-clockwise to lower the threshold for more compression and less saturation.  By default we set this to its midpoint.

Jumper J4: left channel sidechain bypass; set to BYP if you want to disable compression and only use the saturation of the left mix amp circuitry

Jumper J9: right channel sidechain bypass; set to BYP if you want to disable compression and only use the saturation of the right mix amp circuitry 

Jumper J5: left channel sidechain High Pass Filter frequency – Full, 50, 100, 230 Hz; the bottom end will sound less compressed with higher frequency settings

Jumper J10: right channel sidechain High Pass Filter frequency – Full, 50, 100, 230 Hz; the bottom end will sound less compressed with higher frequency settings

Jumper J6: left channel Ratio – 2:1, 4:1 (default), 10:1

Jumper J11: right channel Ratio – 2:1, 4:1 (default), 10:1

Jumper J12: Attack – 1, 3, 10, 30 ms

Jumper J13: Release – 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 s, Auto

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